Click on a star to find out more about the different members of the Challenger Space Crew.

Participant Quotes:
"The Challenger Learning Center is a treasure chest of knowledge for out future."

-Mrs. Clare Rex (Pennsylvania Science Teacher of the Yeard).

Programs We Offer

The Challenger Learning Center at Wheeling Jesuit University. Team building that is OUT OF THIS WORLD!
CorporateTo compete successfully in today's business environment, you need employees who are trained to work cohesively-as a team. Who communicate quickly and clearly. Who solve problems creatively and decisively. Who make good business decisions-even under stress!
As one corporate client put it: "What I like about The Challenger Learning Center is that it's not an academic exercise. It's not 'imagine what you would do in this situation…'-you're IN that situation and you have to figure it out together as a team or the mission fails. It is like real life, only compressed for maximum impact on the participants."

On site missions: A 4 hour experience that begins with Pre-flight Instruction by our ace Flight Directors. They will walk you through team building activities, and then introduce you to one of 4 mission simulations.

The Simulation: A 2 hour experiential learning event in which team members will perform as astronauts and mission controllers. They will enter our state-of-the-art simulator and be challenged to accomplish a space-based mission.

e-Missions: We are now able to deliver an exciting team-building simulation to your facility using the Internet.

Students working with computers.e-Mission: Operation Montserrat will thoroughly engage your group of 15 to 30 in a simulation based on the 1996 eruption on the Island of Montserrat. Your people will be challenged with monitoring the volcano's activity-as well as tracking an approaching hurricane in order to plan and coordinate the evacuation of the island residents.

Our simulations emphasize teamwork, problem solving, decision-making and communication skills that are critical to your organization. Team members will be faced with life-threatening emergencies that must be solved through collaboration with their colleagues.

Post-Flight Debriefing: Conducted by Flight Directors to assist your staff in reviewing the skills used in the mission and discussing how they can be transferred to the workplace.

Your team can be on its way into "space"-and a great team-building experience. Reserve your flight by calling (304) 243-8740.

