Click on a star to find out more about the different members of the Challenger Space Crew.

Participant Quotes:
"The Challenger Learning Center is a treasure chest of knowledge for out future."

-Mrs. Clare Rex (Pennsylvania Science Teacher of the Yeard).

Our Center

Mission Statement

Our Mission at the Challenger Learning Center of Wheeling is to provide a quality experience for students and teachers through engaging educational programs that promote an appetite for learning.

The Challenger Learning Center Story

The seven challenger astonaughts.

The families of NASA Flight 51-L's crew, known historically as the Challenger Space Shuttle, started the Challenger Learning Center idea. This crew was special. It represented different cultures, religions, and races. It carried the hopes of people the world over by including the first teacher in space, Christa McAuliffe. For these brave astronauts, education fed their spirit of exploration, their quest for knowledge, and their thirst to inspire others. Their mission was to prove the power of education- a mission too important to be left unfulfilled.

Born out of tragedy, the Challenger Center "family" wanted a living memorial to commemorate the memory and bravery of their loved ones. This family grew to include government and business leaders; educators from museums, science centers, and universities; and students and parents, among others. Together, they have accomplished the extraordinary. Today, the Challenger Center vision reaches out across borders and oceans. Challenger Learning Centers are located across North America and around the world. Every young, curious mind and every teacher can visit a local Challenger Learning Center and touch the future.

