Click on a star to find out more about the different members of the Challenger Space Crew.

Participant Quotes:
"On the day of the mission there is never a dull moment. The children are constantly working their hardest to achieve a successful mission. They love it!"

-Teacher, Mary Kay

Mission Scenarios

Grades: 5 to 12

Voyage to Mars logo.The year is 2076, and a routine Voyage to Mars has sent the latest human crew into Martian orbit. Mars Control is located at Chryse Station in the Chryse Planitia region in the Northern hemisphere of Mars. This was the site of the first Viking landing on Mars in 1976. It was chosen for a permanent base because the Viking has sent the longest timeline of data about the region.

The Mars Control team has been living on Mars for two years. During this time, they have been gathering data and samples, conducting experiments, and performing their assigned duties. Anxious to get home, they direct the Mars Transport Vehicle team (Mars team’s relief) to arrive on the planet safely and in the correct spot so that they are able to take over the Mars Mission. This will allow the Mars Control team to return home to Earth on schedule. The Mars Transport Vehicle will also have as its objective the launching of a probe to study one of the two Martian moons, Phobos or Deimos.

