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Dynamic Draggable Divs


Since I often need to create dynamic javascript created divs, I decided to make a class that is easily adapatable. While I was at it I decided to add some simple features like mouse dragging and easy data editing. Things are still in the works with this one, however use the text area below to generate a floating div with content. Then take your mouse and drag it around a bit.

There are still some bugs to work out for Internet Explorer. When I get a semi-stable version I'll try and post up some source code and examples.


HTML5 Canvas Drawing

random drawing showing textures and colors of the canvas drawing application

It's an Indian, it's a wolf? It was made with my latest Javascript class. I have been doing more experiments with the HTML5 canvas object. This time I have made a pretty fun drawing class. It's very basic and only offers the ability to change color, size, and brush. However a start it is!

There is still much tweeking needed to make drawing smooth. Look for updates like an actual outline as to your brush area and better brush spread. Right now drawing is based off of the mouseMove javascript event. I plan on changing this to a rapid setInterval event that should allow for a nicer flow of the brush head.

This does not work in IE and you may experiance problems in Safari, so you might want to try it in

Firefox, Chrome, or Opera.